Movement and Intelligence
Can we become smarter through movements? The good news is: Yes, we can! Surprising findings in this respect are due to Prof. Dr. Wildor Hollmann, the “Nestor” of German sports medicine and
today’s honorary president of the World Federation of Sports Medicine. In a well recognized experiment Hollmann examined, a large group of older people with an average age of 60 years --
mostly people who earlier had not moved about a lot, and who actually were not hard to find.
Hollmann divided the group into three subgroups. The first group acted as a control group without any particular tasks. The second group had to accomplish a 30 minute specific memory exercise
daily for one year. The third group had to take a 30 minute brisk walk every day.
The follow-up examination after one year revealed the following results: the control group forfeited a memory loss of approximately 4 % average. This is how much one seems to lose at that age if
not actively battling against it. The group performing the memory exercises achieved an improvement of approximately 20 % memory increase. The group with active movements, and this was an
intriguing finding, achieved a 40 % increase in memory efficiency. Explanation: the movement of the legs or of the body improves the neural network in the brain. In other words, the “data
highways” that link our brain cells seem to respond positively to physical exercise.
Movement of any kind is the key stimulus for the networking of our brain cells.
Dr. Michael Spitzbart
This physician is deemed to be one of the most known health experts in Europe.
He is the author of the bestseller “Fit Forever”.